Saturday, December 12, 2009

Trimming the tree

That bulb looks good enough to eat:

A star is born (?)
(We're going to pretend little guy is wearing pants... ah, potty training!)

The little people got ahold of the camera and had some fun:
Daddy puts on the finishing touch:

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Halloween began on Friday for us, with school festivities:

Little Guy's desire to watch the school Halloween assembly waned:
But Little Miss enjoyed performing!
At least there was one brief period where the big, furry wolf costume wasn't WAY too hot. The Halloween parade was COLD! Little Guy sat on my shoulders and kept me warm for much of it, which is probably why this picture is out of focus!
But then he jumped down and joined the parade:
We made it back inside to the warmth before we caught up with Big Brother:
Friday night Hubby and I went on a date and stopped by Silents in the Cathedral, an annual event at the Episcopal Cathedral where they show old silent films and play the accompaniment on the organ. Abbott and Costello followed by a horror film!
Little Guy enjoys his dirt and worms cupcake (and Little Miss' class would probably have been even more horrified to learn that the cupcakes were made with spinach than if they had REAL worms and dirt!)
But he likes it!
Saturday afternoon we were off to the All School Halloween party, where Little Girl "went on the bouncy toy FOURTEEN times, Mom!"
Then we were off the the church Trunk or Treat:
And finally, we introduce Captain Hammer!

Captain Hammer discovers his nemesis, Doctor Horrible!

And finally, we are off to our final stop of the night, trick or treating with friends!! Captain Hammer meets with civic leaders during trick or treating:
And finally, home with all of the loot. Each kiddo got to fill a glass jar with candy, and the rest goes to the Halloween fairy, who will leave books and other goodies in exchange!
Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Costumes, pumpkins, ladybugs and public speaking, oh my!

Picking pumpkins:

There were swarms of flying ladybugs that landed all over us whenever we stood still!
We got to Primary a little early last week, and the kids, being their father's children, were immediately drawn to the podium:

Monday, September 28, 2009

More farm fun

Monday, August 31, 2009

Photo roundup

This is where Miss G slept last night:
She and her brothers built the "fort" last night and when I got up this morning, she was still there!

Friday after school, we went to the library:
Is there anything better than licking the beaters after making frosting?
(I keep telling him that if he acts goofy while I'm trying to take his picture, I'll post the results!!)
Friday was kindergarten water day:
Do you think she likes her Popsicle?
When school was done on Friday, I asked her how school was. Every day since school began, she has told me, "AWESOME". Today was no different, but after a small pause, she solemnly informed me that, "Today may have been the best day of my ENTIRE LIFE!"

We were blessed to have our dear friend Tracy visiting from DC this weekend, and when Miss G had a slight cold on Sunday, they stayed home from church together. When we came home, they had made "Best Girl" awards!
Wow, an entire post without pictures of the little guy! We'll have to rectify that soon!