Monday, March 30, 2009

Farm Report

Grampy's farm is just teeming with new life! We went for a visit yesterday afternoon to play with the animals, eat pancakes and bacon until bursting, and throw snowballs until there was no snow left!

This is Clooney, the new bottle-fed calf (more on that later):

The widdle biddy bunnies were soft little bundles of fur: Muddy chickens still lay lots of eggs:
Big Guy winds up to the pitch:

Little Guy and his cow boots LOVE the farm:
"Hmmm... how muddy could I get in that?"
Bottle-feeding time:

The new ram:
And finally, the Pied Piper of Holton:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Parks, picnics, parades and playdates (Oh, my!)

We had a busy and beautiful St. Patrick's Day, first spending some time at Gage Park, climbing around on the cement animals:

Then moving across the street to the zoo for the real thing:

Then we headed downtown for the annual St. Patrick's Day parade (note to self: don't wait until 25 minutes before the parade begins to try to find a parking space next year!)
We ate a quick picnic lunch while watching the parade, then picked up a friend and headed for home, where we had about five other friends join us for a chaotic but fun afternoon of playing in the yard! Now Mommy wants to curl up with American Idol and some knitting! Good night!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Small adventures and misadventures

Goodbye, school...

Hello, spring break!

Yup, that's one big, fat lip. And just to make me feel like the world's best mom, I don't know exactly how he did it!
My most fervent hope is that this is the biggest drama we have this week!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Quiet Sunday afternoon

We were home sick from church yesterday (AGAIN) because Grace has strep. In the afternoon, we got a call that a realtor wanted to come see the house, and we had to vacate for awhile, so we headed over to David's office to hang out for awhile.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A nu'er cow!

This afternoon we went to the dairy farm to pick up our milk, and every time we saw a new calf (even if it was one we'd seen a moment before), or even a picture of a cow, for that matter, he proudly crowed, "A nu'er cow!" And when you're at a dairy farm, that's a LOT of "nu'er cow"!

Thursday in the Park with Sam

She likes me... she really likes me!

After a week that's been filled with lots of "I don't like you!" from Little Miss G (prompted by everything from the need to eat her vegetables to her dislike of bedtime), it's reassuring to know that when all is said and done, she (maybe possibly) doesn't think I'm completely horrible.