Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A work in progress...


(Do you know, I think that may be my only photo of the house?? I remember taking some long ago, but they must have been on the camera that was stolen, because I couldn't find them anywhere!)


So the contrast may not seem very great in these pictures. The picture from today is a little glare-y. But the new color is a really great grey-green-sage. The triangle in the upper left still hasn't been painted, if that helps to see the difference. I'll take a morning picture once the whole thing is done, so the light will be better. But I have to say, I am really, really happy with the new color. No more boring beige! Now we have a slightly less boring green! :)


Unknown said...

I love the new house color! I'm so impressed -- It is so much softer then the beige.

Randi said...

I love the sage! Are you painting it yourself? or did you hire someone?

Ramona said...

I love the color! how are you doing I hope well are you coming east this summer?