Monday, March 30, 2009

Farm Report

Grampy's farm is just teeming with new life! We went for a visit yesterday afternoon to play with the animals, eat pancakes and bacon until bursting, and throw snowballs until there was no snow left!

This is Clooney, the new bottle-fed calf (more on that later):

The widdle biddy bunnies were soft little bundles of fur: Muddy chickens still lay lots of eggs:
Big Guy winds up to the pitch:

Little Guy and his cow boots LOVE the farm:
"Hmmm... how muddy could I get in that?"
Bottle-feeding time:

The new ram:
And finally, the Pied Piper of Holton:


Sarah Blue said...

Love the pictures. I miss not having a farm close by. One of the great things about living in Kansas. :)

mmw said...

This looks like so much fun!!!Bottle fed calves.