First, to prove to my sweet hubby that I DO put him on the blog:
We went with some friends to the Royals game, and he won the speed texting contest! He a gift certificate, and bought a snazzy new jacket: In the last weeks of school, I was able to help chaperone a sixth grade trip to the Nelson Art Museum in Kansas City. Herding cats, I tell you. I thought kindergarteners were a challenge! :) In the last week of Discovery School, Little Guy went with his class on a walk to the local Dairy Queen. I wasn't able to be there, but another parent sweetly sent me some pictures: Then came "Graduation Day" for Discovery School. See you next year!We interrupt our end of school coverage to celebrate Granddad's 70th birthday! And then it was Miss G's turn to "graduate" from kindergarten: Bye, Mrs. Berryman! We had a wonderful year! When the "end" finally came, we were too excited to sit still for a photo, but we gave it our best shot. Happy end of the school year!