Saturday, April 17, 2010

Only a month behind...

Over spring break we had a little adventure at the Kansas Historical Museum:

And, now, apparently, we are done with having our picture taken...

Class plays!

Yesterday was Miss G's class play, "Ferocious Wild Beasts," in which she played the Mom:

And the week before that, we were treated to Big Guy's class play, "Dancing with Our Stars", in which he played "the sultan of swing, the prince of the polka" dance judge:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

All right, already!!

That's for the Daddyman, who has been asking daily for the last week when I'd have a new blog post!!

We have been having lots of fun lately, and we are SO happy that spring has finally sprung! Little Guy and I took a recent opportunity to enjoy the sunshine at the zoo:

Though I'm not posting any pictures of them (because small brown lumps in the distance aren't the most fascinating photographic subjects) we actually saw bears at the Zoo! This is a highly unusual occurrence, at least for our family!

Much fun was also to be had in the human part of the bear habitat! We climbed the stairs about 87 times and enjoyed the wooden bears almost as much as the living ones.

We stopped for and ate a quick picnic before heading off to the library, which was obviously just exhausting, because this was the result:
In other news, Big Guy and I had the opportunity for two road trips in the last two weeks. Last week was to Wichita for state Science Olympiad, and the week before that we went to Salina for a play. It was a blast to have a little bit of big kid time (and hotels with room service and pools don't hurt, either!)
"Oh, wait, you're taking my picture??"
But despite the crazy hair, he cleaned up well for dinner and a show:

(holding forth on the subjects of the day)
The opening act was a fascinating (though LONG) Tuvan Throat Singing demonstration.
He got a little tired as the performance went on (and on):

But he perked right up for the main event: The Reduced Shakespeare Company doing The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged! I don't think we have laughed so much in two short hours ever before in our lives. Sadly, I chickened out and didn't get any photos during the show (we were in the third row and very visible!)

This week, Miss G and Little Guy had some fun while waiting for gymnastics to begin:

And finally, Daddy took the kids outside to enjoy a gorgeous rainbow before bedtime last Tuesday evening while I was at church:

(In a few short minutes, Little Guy managed to get muddy enough to warrant an emergency bath, but they enjoyed it!)

See you later, alligators!