Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring has sprung

We had to wait around awhile after school yesterday for Big Guy to return from a field trip in Kansas City. The weather was gorgeous, and the little kids decided to take full advantage:

She got a little carried away with the hugging, and his feelings were mixed:

While waiting, Miss G decided to rock some yoga asanas:

Then she decided to borrow the camera:
Big Guy wasn't enjoying it.
On Monday, we had a day off from school and went to the farm! Everyone got a lesson in driving the riding mower, which was a HUGE hit! I didn't get a picture of Big Guy riding, but the little ones had a ball.

And finally, last week was Big Guy's fifth grade production of "The Princeless Princess". He was Prince #1, who was neither tall nor dark, but at least a little cute! Sorry for the photo quality.

Friday, April 10, 2009

A few quick pictures...

A friend of mine just emailed me a few pictures of Miss G, and I couldn't resist posting! The first is part of the pre-K class auction item, which was a clock with pictures of the children as the numbers. Little Miss is a happy number nine:

As my friend pointed out in the photo below, my kids always know where the camera is! This is a snapshot of Sunday morning of General Conference. Big Guy is on the couch with blankets, pillows, popcorn and an M&M Conference Bingo game. Miss G is sitting in a blanket filled laundry basket with coloring and snacks, and Little Guy is sitting in a blanket filled cardboard box, just with snacks. Different strokes! My position was next to Big Guy on the couch with my knitting...

And finally, here's my girl on pre-K "Wheels Day":

And the Bears Snore On...

Miss G had her theater debut today in the Pre-K assembly! They did an adaptation of the picture book And the Bears Snore On. Much cuteness ensued.

Miss G and Miss O primp and preen in front of the mirror, getting their costumes just right!

On stage: "They tweet and they titter. They chat and they chitter."

Taking a bow:

Miss G informs the audience that she played "AKA Porcupine #4":

Sitting (mostly) still for one more round of photos before the treats! (Who thought cupcakes were a good idea at 9:15 a.m.? Just asking...)